About Autism Tube
Autism Tube is a volunteer media production and sharing network for the autism community. We produce our own original videos and curate videos with submissions from our members.

The information age and digital revolution is an astronomical world of vast knowledge and contents. Where anyone can explore and dig up essential resources and information.
The world wide web allows those touched by autism to seek knowledge, answers, strategies, ideas, make connections and get a sense of community. It has become a place to turn, when they feel alone and are finding it a struggle to get suitable support from their offline environments e.x. educational institutions, limited local services and resources, etc.
Parents are seeking information about how to support their loved ones with ASD. Individuals with ASD are seeking information and trying to connect with others who share their similar struggles. Educators and professionals are seeking information for how they can improve their practices and supports.
Autism Tube aims to be a place that provides varied information, through it’s own produced videos, as well as from submitted videos by members.
Also, to produce other types of resources all in an organized, accessible, valuable and safe means.
Autism Tube also aims to be an open and accessible provider of knowledge, answers, strategies, ideas, connections and community creation. For many who might be in environments that are limited and lacking in useful and appropriate education, information, supports and resources.
Whether their finding it difficult in their educational institutions or in finding needed information and resources in the areas they live. The hope is that people will get some answers and senses of relief by the content produced and contributed on this site.

A lack of local services, resources and supports can leave parents and self-advocates feeling alone, hopeless and lost.
As a consequence, they’re in a serious need for answers and results.
While the internet is full of helpful information, it likewise can contain wrong, potentially harmful and dangerous information. Misinformation can surface around the larger social platforms.
Autism Tube aims to operate a smaller, much more supervised platform. One that uses real human inspection of user submitted video content from the larger platforms, including: YouTube, Vimeo and Facebook Video. To review and organize videos that contain information seen as safe and trustworthy.
Mathew would like to express his thanks to those who donated on Autism Tube’s GoFundMe page. Below are screenshots that display the names and motivating messages of these generous donors.